Innovative treatments by certified professionals committed to your rehabilitation.

The Plasma Rich in Platelets (or PRP) is a regenerative injection that renews and cures damaged or partially broken tissue.
The process consists of taking a blood sample from a specific peripheral vein, just like it is done in laboratories. Afterwards, that blood is processed and the plasma rich in platelets is obtained from the patient’s blood. This plasma is what is then injected into the affected area. It can be injected into any other joint of the body; the knee, the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the ankle, or into any other ligament or partially broken tendon. Fortunately, by being the same blood of the patient, the body will not reject it, then the injection is guided by the sonogram making the process more precise and effective while lowering any sort of possible complication. We are very happy with this new procedure and have seen excellent results with our patients.

Shock wave therapy is a treatment that uses acoustic waves in order to stimulate effective changes at a cellular level. This results in:
- Accelerated repair of tissues
- Cellular growth
- Pain relief
- Mobility restoration
It is principally used in chronic conditions, but in some cases, it can also be used in less acute or severe situations.
Shock Wave Therapy has many applications, some of them being:
- Plantar fasciitis, which causes pain in the sole of the foot. This usually occurs when one begins to walk in the morning.
- Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow.
- Calcifications in tendons or bursitis that can occur in any other joints, but are more common in the shoulders, elbows and hips.
- Relieves trigger points associated with muscular spasms.
We have seen positive results in cases that do not respond to conventional therapy and in patients that prefer not to be injected. We have also seen this in patients who need a quicker recovery from their chronic injuries.

Laser Therapy uses a process called photobiomodulation.
In this process the photons from the laser’s light enter the cell and then increase the cellular metabolism. This results in the healing of tissues and in the reduction of inflammation and pain. Additionally, it relieves trigger points and accelerates the tissue repair process.
Laser Therapy treats conditions such as:
- Lower back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis and certain rheumatologic conditions
- Sport lesions, muscular tears
- Pain due to tennis player elbow - pain in lateral elbow
- Pain due to golfer elbow - pain in medial elbow
- Sore tendons or ligaments, inflamated, degenerated, torn or irritated
- Pain in articulations and carpal tunnel
Furthermore, this is an excellent tool for musculoskeletal conditions since it is a non-invasive treatment that does not have side-effects and does not cause any pain.

Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection that is done by administring irritable chemical solutions to joints, tendons, muscles or ligaments.
Usually we use dextrose, but we can use alcohol and other substances. These solutions help the tissue regenerate and grow by incrementing their strength and thickness. At the same time, they tense the articulation and relieve the pressure in the muscles, therefore decreasing muscle spasms. In the case of arthritic articulations, the incremented ligament strength could allow the articulation to function more efficiently by reducing the pain and ameliorating the function.
We typically do a minimum of three injections and their effect is cumulative. This can be repeated as many times as necessary since it does not cause any damage to the tissue. By doing this procedure guided by sonography, we perform it in a secure form and minimize the probability of complications. The use of prolotherapy has been reduced since the plasma rich in plaquettes usually requires less injections.

Physical therapy has two principal components: exercises and modalities.
In this video, we will be focusing on exercises. Here in SMR, the exercises are recommended by the physiatrist and are directly supervised by our therapists or our athletic trainer. The focus will depend on the patient’s condition and achievable goals. You could do stretching exercises with the goal of recovering and increasing the arc of movement from the affected joint. You will usually do strength exercises with the goal of increasing muscle strength and to stabilize the joints and also avoid injuries. You can also do high performance exercises such as throwing a baseball in an effective manner. The strengthening of the muscles around the knees could be very useful in order to decrease the pressure of an arthritic joint when walking or running. You could also include cardiovascular exercises in order to better your physical condition, lose weight or simply to relieve stress. Whatever your needs may be, in SMR we will be sure to help you.

The study of electromyography and nervous conduction is better known as the study of currents. It is used in order to evaluate nerves and determine if there is neuropathy, sickness in the nerves or if there is a stuck nerve.
Neuropathy could produce numbing, burning or current in the hands or feet which could be due to diabetes, thyroid illness or many other conditions. When the nerve becomes plunge in the lower back, some call it sciatica which can cause lower back pain and runs all the way to the legs. It can also produce burning, current, jabs and numbing in the legs which can be accompanied by weakness as well. Something similar occurs when the nerve is pricked in the neck, usually associated with a herniated disk, but the nerves can also be pricked in the hands like in the carpal tunnel syndrome or in almost any part of the extremities. This study allows us to specify where the nerve is punctured or damaged and to determine how severe the problem is. This information can be used to predict recovery and to determine if surgery is necessary.

When you visit SMR, you will be evaluated by one of our physiatrists.
Initially we will ask you to complete several documents with your basic medical information like previous illnesses, surgeries, and medications that you are taking. When proceeding to the evaluation cubicle, we will begin to ask why you are visiting us and how we can help. We will inquire in order to learn the details of your condition, including characteristics like: since when you have been experiencing symptoms, what makes them better or worse, and if this has previously happened to you. Then, we will proceed to perform a physical exam directed to the affected areas in order to learn more details about your condition. The medic will arrive at one or various diagnoses and based on these, we will recommend treatment and/or studies to confirm your suspicion. If you are in too much pain or incapacitated due to your problem, it is possible that they will offer an injection to relieve the pain and help recover rapidly. Our joviality, amiability and human warmth will help make your recovery path a pleasant one.

Ultrasound-guided injections are excellent. They allow us to observe where we are injecting inside the person.
Prior to ultrasound, this procedure was done by using anatomy and palpitations. The bones and tissues would be touched, knowing where each structure was, resulting in the guidance of the injection. This new technology (which is the same one used to see babies in mothers’ abdomens) allows us to see the muscles, ligaments and tendons. We can visualize if there is a rupture, a calcification or degeneration, in order to guide our injection into the specific area that has been affected in an accurate way. We can also visualize arteries, veins and nerves, avoiding them effectively and largely minimizing the possibility of any complications. It is an excellent new tool that facilitates injections by increasing their efficacy and efficiency while diminishing complications.

Physical therapy has two principal components: exercises and modalities.
In this video, we will be focusing on modalities. These are the five modalities classically used: electric shock, ultrasound, massage, cold and warm. There are many types of electric shock: the russian type, for example, stimulates nerves and the galvanic type is used to lower inflammation and pain. The massages are performed in order to break muscular spasms, release scars, and promote relaxation in general. The ultrasound are sound waves that produce a profound warmth in order to lower inflammation, increase the pain threshold and to increase flexibility. The cold contracts the arteries and veins by diminishing the circulation in the area. This helps diminish acute inflammation and at the same time, decreases pain. The warm, in its part, increases the circulation in the area while it decreases inflammation in chronic stages. It also decreases the numbness in the joints, lowers pain and muscle spasms. The correct combination of these modalities will relieve your pain and will help you return to your normal physical activities soon and in a safe manner.
The Plasma Rich in Platelets (or PRP) is a regenerative injection that renews and cures damaged or partially broken tissue.
The process consists of taking a blood sample from a specific peripheral vein, just like it is done in laboratories. Afterwards, that blood is processed and the plasma rich in platelets is obtained from the patient’s blood. This plasma is what is then injected into the affected area. It can be injected into any other joint of the body; the knee, the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the ankle, or into any other ligament or partially broken tendon. Fortunately, by being the same blood of the patient, the body will not reject it, then the injection is guided by the sonogram making the process more precise and effective while lowering any sort of possible complication. We are very happy with this new procedure and have seen excellent results with our patients.
Shock wave therapy is a treatment that uses acoustic waves in order to stimulate effective changes at a cellular level. This results in:
- Accelerated repair of tissues
- Cellular growth
- Pain relief
- Mobility restoration
It is principally used in chronic conditions, but in some cases, it can also be used in less acute or severe situations.
Shock Wave Therapy has many applications, some of them being:
- Plantar fasciitis, which causes pain in the sole of the foot. This usually occurs when one begins to walk in the morning.
- Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow.
- Calcifications in tendons or bursitis that can occur in any other joints, but are more common in the shoulders, elbows and hips.
- Relieves trigger points associated with muscular spasms.
We have seen positive results in cases that do not respond to conventional therapy and in patients that prefer not to be injected. We have also seen this in patients who need a quicker recovery from their chronic injuries.
Laser Therapy uses a process called photobiomodulation.
In this process the photons from the laser’s light enter the cell and then increase the cellular metabolism. This results in the healing of tissues and in the reduction of inflammation and pain. Additionally, it relieves trigger points and accelerates the tissue repair process.
Laser Therapy treats conditions such as:
- Lower back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis and certain rheumatologic conditions
- Sport lesions, muscular tears
- Pain due to tennis player elbow – pain in lateral elbow
- Pain due to golfer elbow – pain in medial elbow
- Dolor por codo de golfista – dolor de codo medial
- Sore tendons or ligaments, inflamated, degenerated, torn or irritated
- Pain in articulations and carpal tunnel
Furthermore, this is an excellent tool for musculoskeletal conditions since it is a non-invasive treatment that does not have side-effects and does not cause any pain.
Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection that is done by administring irritable chemical solutions to joints, tendons, muscles or ligaments.
Usually we use dextrose, but we can use alcohol and other substances. These solutions help the tissue regenerate and grow by incrementing their strength and thickness. At the same time, they tense the articulation and relieve the pressure in the muscles, therefore decreasing muscle spasms. In the case of arthritic articulations, the incremented ligament strength could allow the articulation to function more efficiently by reducing the pain and ameliorating the function.
We typically do a minimum of three injections and their effect is cumulative. This can be repeated as many times as necessary since it does not cause any damage to the tissue. By doing this procedure guided by sonography, we perform it in a secure form and minimize the probability of complications. The use of prolotherapy has been reduced since the plasma rich in plaquettes usually requires less injections.
Physical therapy has two principal components: exercises and modalities.
In this video, we will be focusing on exercises. Here in SMR, the exercises are recommended by the physiatrist and are directly supervised by our therapists or our athletic trainer. The focus will depend on the patient’s condition and achievable goals. You could do stretching exercises with the goal of recovering and increasing the arc of movement from the affected joint. You will usually do strength exercises with the goal of increasing muscle strength and to stabilize the joints and also avoid injuries. You can also do high performance exercises such as throwing a baseball in an effective manner. The strengthening of the muscles around the knees could be very useful in order to decrease the pressure of an arthritic joint when walking or running. You could also include cardiovascular exercises in order to better your physical condition, lose weight or simply to relieve stress. Whatever your needs may be, in SMR we will be sure to help you.
The study of electromyography and nervous conduction is better known as the study of currents. It is used in order to evaluate nerves and determine if there is neuropathy, sickness in the nerves or if there is a stuck nerve.
Neuropathy could produce numbing, burning or current in the hands or feet which could be due to diabetes, thyroid illness or many other conditions. When the nerve becomes plunge in the lower back, some call it sciatica which can cause lower back pain and runs all the way to the legs. It can also produce burning, current, jabs and numbing in the legs which can be accompanied by weakness as well. Something similar occurs when the nerve is pricked in the neck, usually associated with a herniated disk, but the nerves can also be pricked in the hands like in the carpal tunnel syndrome or in almost any part of the extremities. This study allows us to specify where the nerve is punctured or damaged and to determine how severe the problem is. This information can be used to predict recovery and to determine if surgery is necessary.
When you visit SMR, you will be evaluated by one of our physiatrists.
Initially we will ask you to complete several documents with your basic medical information like previous illnesses, surgeries, and medications that you are taking. When proceeding to the evaluation cubicle, we will begin to ask why you are visiting us and how we can help. We will inquire in order to learn the details of your condition, including characteristics like: since when you have been experiencing symptoms, what makes them better or worse, and if this has previously happened to you. Then, we will proceed to perform a physical exam directed to the affected areas in order to learn more details about your condition. The medic will arrive at one or various diagnoses and based on these, we will recommend treatment and/or studies to confirm your suspicion. If you are in too much pain or incapacitated due to your problem, it is possible that they will offer an injection to relieve the pain and help recover rapidly. Our joviality, amiability and human warmth will help make your recovery path a pleasant one.
Ultrasound-guided injections are excellent. They allow us to observe where we are injecting inside the person.
Prior to ultrasound, this procedure was done by using anatomy and palpitations. The bones and tissues would be touched, knowing where each structure was, resulting in the guidance of the injection. This new technology (which is the same one used to see babies in mothers’ abdomens) allows us to see the muscles, ligaments and tendons. We can visualize if there is a rupture, a calcification or degeneration, in order to guide our injection into the specific area that has been affected in an accurate way. We can also visualize arteries, veins and nerves, avoiding them effectively and largely minimizing the possibility of any complications. It is an excellent new tool that facilitates injections by increasing their efficacy and efficiency while diminishing complications.
Physical therapy has two principal components: exercises and modalities.
In this video, we will be focusing on modalities. These are the five modalities classically used: electric shock, ultrasound, massage, cold and warm. There are many types of electric shock: the russian type, for example, stimulates nerves and the galvanic type is used to lower inflammation and pain. The massages are performed in order to break muscular spasms, release scars, and promote relaxation in general. The ultrasound are sound waves that produce a profound warmth in order to lower inflammation, increase the pain threshold and to increase flexibility. The cold contracts the arteries and veins by diminishing the circulation in the area. This helps diminish acute inflammation and at the same time, decreases pain. The warm, in its part, increases the circulation in the area while it decreases inflammation in chronic stages. It also decreases the numbness in the joints, lowers pain and muscle spasms. The correct combination of these modalities will relieve your pain and will help you return to your normal physical activities soon and in a safe manner.